Sunday, September 17, 2006

Well, I'm on the bandwagon!

I figured that since I've been commenting so much on other people's blogs, it's only fair to give them the same opportunity! So, here it is...

About the title: I am always being asked what I do, and why, and I never seem to have a good answer. I've told various people various reasons why I'm a public defender, and those reasons have all been true. But none of them really answer the question. Possibly I really don't know the answer to that question. But considering that I've been doing this for nearly 5 years with no end in sight, there must be some reason for it!

I mean, it's a fairly thankless job. For example, I spent nearly all afternoon preparing for a trial tomorrow that I'm almost certain to lose. I hate losing, by the way. Even if I win, the guy isn't getting out of jail. He's got another trial set for Wednesday that he is even more likely to lose. One certainly doesn't win popularity contests defending indigent people charged with crimes. No one wants "criminals" to "get off on technicalities." Even in the legal community, public defenders are pretty much tolerated as necessary for the system to function. My own clients would prefer to have a "real" lawyer, rather than me. They want to know whether a "real" lawyer could get them out of jail. I can't tell you how many times I've had to clarify that yes, I am really a lawyer, I did graduate law school, and I do have a law license!

Maybe that's part of why I do it, though. I am needed: To defend people who need defending, and no one else feels they "deserve" it. To ensure that people's rights are not violated, when even they don't appreciate what I do. To not allow our Constitution or the principles of freedom and justice upon which our country was built to be trampled upon for the sake of efficiency or security.

I am a public defender because I care about Truth, Justice, the Constitution (and fuzzy puppies).


Sircellan said...

So.. when was the last time you defended a fuzzy puppy? ;-) REWiS here.. one of my two blogs. This one does mostly movie reviews, which I need to update on the latest batch. Good to see something of what you're doing.

Ruth said...

Well, in court I haven't, but I bailed my friend's sister's puppies out of the pound when she didn't have the money one time.

Jeanine said...

Welcome to the bandwagon! After all, "everybody else is doing it..." :) I'll link you on my page, if that's okay. Be forewarned, though -- I tend to whine if you don't update in a while.

I had a very happy birthday surprise today -- thank you!

Ruth said...

No problem, link away! And whine. I have a feeling that after the novelty wears off, I may grow to be as sparse with this as with regular email.

123txpublicdefender123 said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I've linked you.

Ruth said...

No problem, link away. One tends to feel a little self-contained in an office with only 8 lawyers and all except one of those were not there when I came not quite 5 years ago.

swd said...

hey! welcome!