Monday, September 18, 2006

One thing I've noticed...

Trials are much more fun when one actually has something to say. Seeing the glass half-full, though, I did get a not guilty verdict on the petty misdemeanor. Incidently, the two most wonderful words in the courtroom (if not the entire English language). Not bad, considering my guy confessed. Last week's was better. I got an acquittal on everything. Pretty rare for a drug possession charge!

Anyway, I believe I will now have a well-earned beer and watch a movie that I've seen before.


Sircellan said...

Yay! Glad to hear things went well. I don't have Netflix, btw. They don't exist in the UK (yet). I rent with Amazon (UK). Renting with them gives me a ten percent discount on any DVD's I want to buy from them, which isn't a half-bad deal. Hope the beer was nice!

Ruth said...

the beer was very nice...You can't rent Amazon here, but I buy from them regularly. (video stores are severely limited here in Podunk New Mexico...