Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Brief Respite from the Merry-go-round

Well, I made it through two of the more chaotic weeks in recent memory. I am required to do absolutely nothing all weekend. So naturally, I'm in the mood to do laundry, the dishes, clean the bathroom, vacuum, and am even considering yard work. There is one thing I definitely will not do: go to the office! I've been in the past two weekends, and finally, there's nothing there that can't wait until Monday.

In the past two weeks, I had 8 trials set in addition to normal court hearings. I won one, lost one I should have won, and I won part of one that surprised me. Three were dismissed by the prosecutor the day before trial, and two pled on the day of trial. We lost two attorneys in our office, and have been furiously interviewing new candidates. Our boss has been out for most of the past two weeks, and we've been covering his stuff as well as surprises that we didn't know about. There's still the run-of-the-mill internal office political nonsense, but it seems to be simmering down, at least temporarily. (My, how I loathe office politics!)

I'm in an amazingly good mood today. Maybe it's the weather. It's one of those gorgeous fall days where it's cold in the morning, but warm in the afternoon, complete with bright sunshine and the leaves just beginning to turn. The air is crisp and crackly, and you feel like throwing a football around, if you had one and someone to throw it to. All in all, I'd say today more than makes up for the craziness of the past two weeks. I'm perfectly happy and content, and I think I'll watch some football on t.v.


mozartmovement said...

Love hearing about it all! Wish I could be there with you in the crisp air (watching you vacuum!?)

Sircellan said...

Oooh, for a football! I'd be more than happy to throw one around with you. If there weren't that huge ocean in the way...

Ruth said...

Yes, that large expanse of water creates all kinds of problems.